Music Placements: How to Get Your Music in Film & TV
I’ve negotiated a few significant film and television placements for clients in the last two months, so I decided to write an article on the topic. Getting your music

What Constitutes Music Plagiarism? The Sam Smith and Robin Thicke Trials
Music plagiarism is a hot topic in the music industry these days. From Sam Smith to Bruno Mars to Beyonce, artists seem to be being accused of music plagiarism more

Music Industry Collectives – Why Are They So Important?
Most musicians I talk to are slightly confused by all the music industry collectives out there and how they can collect money from them. This is understandable: there is a

Touring the USA: What Canadian Musicians Need to Know
Since 9/11, touring the USA as a Canadian musician has never been more difficult. Things have gotten worse since Trump took office. Horror stories abound of bands being held at the

What Constitutes Songwriting? The Million Dollar Question in the Music Industry
What constitutes songwriting? As an entertainment lawyer, it is the single question I get asked the most. And without a doubt, its one of the most important and complex questions

When Should Musicians Incorporate? The Benefits of Incorporation for Musicians
All successful musicians incorporate. It is really a question of “when” rather than “if”. The benefits of incorporation are huge, and the risks of not incorporating are bigger. Let’s examine why.

What Rights Do You Have in a Sound Recording You Play On?
I get many emails every week from musicians around the world asking me questions about the music business. One of the most common questions is: what rights do I

How to Legally Post Cover Songs to YouTube
YouTube is full of cover songs. From indie artists to toddlers to superstars, some of the most viewed videos on the Internet happen to be of cover songs. In the

Why the Led Zeppelin Plagiarism Verdict Was Right, and What it Means to You
The Led Zeppelin plagiarism verdict is in. I’ve been watching with baited breath. Not because the Zeppelin tattoos on my arm might have to be covered with long sleeves the